Manual Air Pressure Wine Bottle Opener

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $5.90 each
200 $5.26 each
500 $4.89 each
1000 $4.62 each
2000 $4.28 each
5000 $2.94 each
Pop the top on your new marketing plan with this manual air pressure wine opener! The pressure wine opener utilizes a vacuum pressure principle and is fast and easy to operate. It features a pressure corkscrew needle that goes into the middle of the cork and a plastic protective sleeve to protect the bottle. Users simply put air into the bottle with an up and down motion until the cork slides from the bottle. This air pressure bottle opener should not be used to open soda or sparkling-type wine like champagne.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
The air-pressurized design allows for effortless cork opening.

Copyright Dimensions Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved.