Wine Bottle Opener 1 1/2" Insert Holder

Pricing Details

Production Time: 3 Working Days
1 $38.83 each
12 $12.27 each
48 $11.99 each
96 $11.72 each
240 $11.45 each
504 $11.18 each
Wine Bottle Opener 1 1/2" Insert Holder with 1 1/2" diameter circular zinc alloy plate area that is perfect for adding a name, logo or personalized message. A great gift for anyone from bartenders, servers, or caterers to that wine aficionado you know. Our laser engraving process allows you to add any name, short message, or small logo to create a truly unique and genuine present.

Normal Production Time
3 Working Days

Product Size
Length:2 3/8:in;Width:1 3/8:in;Height:6 3/4:in

Additional Information
Wine Bottle Opener 1 1/2" Insert Holder

Copyright Dimensions Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved.