Spooky Bat 2-in-1 Wine and Beer Opener

Pricing Details

Production Time: 10 Working Days
100 $17.32 each
300 $15.45 each
500 $13.33 each
1000 $12.15 each
3000 $11.41 each
5000 $10.07 each
It's a wine bottle opener that's extra special, for it's made from high quality silicone and metal. It is a 2-in-1 opener, that can be used to open wine or beer. No toxins and chemicals that are harmful for you- it's BPA-free and doesn't rust too!

Normal Production Time
10 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
It is a 2-in-1 opener, that can be used to open wine or beer.

Copyright Dimensions Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved.