Electric Wine Opener

Pricing Details

Production Time: 7 Working Days
25 $19.15 each
50 $17.41 each
100 $16.55 each
300 $14.76 each
500 $14.65 each
800 $14.59 each
1000 $9.61 each
3000 $9.44 each
5000 $9.32 each
8000 $9.20 each
Experience the ease and sophistication of opening wine bottles with our Electric Wine Opener. Designed for effortless operation, this opener is a must-have for wine lovers who appreciate a seamless and efficient way to start their wine tasting experience. Simply place the opener on top of the wine bottle, press a button, and watch as the cork is smoothly extracted in seconds-no manual twisting required. Made from high-quality materials, this electric wine opener is built to last, providing durability and long-term performance. Lightweight and compact, this opener is easy to store and ideal for bringing along to parties, picnics, or when traveling.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

0.88 lbs

Additional Information
Experience the ease and sophistication of opening wine bottles with our Electric Wine Opener. Orders of 2000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping.

Copyright Dimensions Design Group, Inc. All rights reserved.